NAFA Forensic Accounting Experts Offer Litigation Support

In-depth investigations and trustworthy calculations help trial lawyers build their best case

A trial is a contest between two competing narratives. To leverage a fair and appropriate settlement, you need a compelling narrative driven by clear facts and bolstered by credible evidence. Since most civil litigation is ultimately about whether—and how much—one party must pay another, getting to “how much” is a crucial task. At North American Forensic Accounting, our staff of forensic experts can get you to “how much.” We help plaintiff and defense attorneys in various stages of litigation understand the value of what has been lost and the cost of making a victim truly whole again. As behind-the-scenes consultants, members of your legal team, or expert witnesses, we handle the full range of tasks related to the financial aspects of your case. When you need an expert forensic accountant to analyze data critically, present financials clearly, and testify credibly, North American Forensic Accounting is the firm to trust.

Experience across a wide range of civil and criminal cases

Our team has extensive experience with a variety of cases, including:

  • Bankruptcy
  • Breach of contract
  • Breach of fiduciary duty
  • Business interruption claims
  • Business torts
  • Divorce
  • Employment law
  • Financial reporting compliance disputes
  • Insurance coverage disputes
  • Personal injury and wrongful death
  • Professional malpractice
  • Shareholder derivative lawsuits

If there is a financial aspect to your litigation, our forensic accountants can perform a reliable analysis to determine its value.

Pretrial assistance to inform your case strategy

Today more than ever, data is power. But only if you can analyze it properly and distill it to simple, comprehensible statements. NAFA is comprised of veteran forensic accounting experts who can assist with every financial detail of the case you are preparing. Our services include:

  • Damage calculations — In personal injury cases, we review myriad records to assess economic losses, such as medical bills, lost income and property damage. But we also calculate projections for lost future income and future medical expenses. We are adept at calculating complex damages, such as share value losses allegedly due to breaches of fiduciary duty .
  • Lost profits calculations — In business torts cases, we assess losses due to anticompetitive practices, trademark infringement, and trade secret theft. We also assist claimants and insurers in calculating losses due to business interruption.
  • Business valuations — If you need to know the value of a business as an ongoing concern or if sold in a dissolution, our team can provide valuations using various approved methods.
  • Fraud investigations — When you need to build a civil or criminal case for theft, embezzlement or misappropriation of assets, we can find the paper trail that reveals malfeasance. We can also investigate for defense counsel to determine if there are other causes that explain suspect losses.
  • Discovery — We assist with the preparation of discovery requests, interrogatories and answers to interrogatories. We advise counsel about what documents to demand, what personnel to interview and other pertinent matters.
  • Depositions — We help counsel prepare lines of questioning for financial witnesses. We can observe depositions, and suggest follow-up questions in real time to get witnesses on the record with essential information. When we act as expert witnesses, we take an active role in preparation of our own depositions.
  • Financial reporting disputes — We examine financial reports and audits to determine if they meet professional standards.

Our NAFA experts can be as involved in your litigation as you need. Our expertise is especially helpful in investigations, where our experience and advance analytics enable us to spot discrepancies that may indicate malfeasance. We are often able to suggest areas of inquiry that uncover additional evidence to fortify the case. We possess exemplary project management skills that enable us to stay on top of every detail. Finally, we draft insightful reports in a concise and straightforward language, which can serve as the basis for settlement negotiations or presentation at trial.

Trial support: credible expert witnesses strengthen your case

In a civil trial for damages, as well as a criminal trial for a theft crime, financials play a pivotal role. A plaintiff’s attorney might prove a defendant’s liability, but without proof of damages, that’s a wasted effort. Likewise, a defense attorney might have to concede liability, but can still do the client a great deal of good by proving damages are far less than the plaintiff is demanding. As with other aspects of the case, the amount of damages often comes down to a battle of experts testifying for each side. When that happens, the forensic accounting experts at NAFA are a substantial asset. NAFA expert witnesses come to court fully prepared, relaxed and confident. We present ourselves professionally, testify clearly in straightforward language a judge or jury can readily understand, and we remain composed under rigorous cross-examination.

NAFA experts have earned the title

At NAFA, our forensic accounting professionals have the credentials and experience to justify being called experts. Our team members have earned various professional titles, which include:

  • Certified Public Accountants
  • Certified Business Continuity Professionals
  • Certified Financial Forensics
  • Certified Fraud Examiners
  • Certified in Ethics and Compliance Management
  • Certified in Risk Management and Assurance
  • Certified Internal Auditors
  • Certified Valuation Analysts
  • Chartered Global Management Accountants
  • Master Analyst in Financial Forensics

Moreover, several on our team have earned one or more master’s degrees, while serving more than 20 years in the field.

Contact North American Forensic Accounting for robust litigation support services

North American Forensic Accounting provides litigation support for civil and criminal law cases. To learn more, call us at 347-286-4860 or contact one of our offices online to schedule an appointment. NAFA serves clients from offices throughout the United States, including in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, New York City, Atlanta, Charlotte, Miami, and the Tampa Bay Area.