Trusted Forensic Accounting, Litigation Support, Internal Audit, and Risk Services

North American Forensic Accounting is a team of established experts and talented associates dedicated to revealing the truth hidden in the numbers. We are comprised of certified experts in forensics, investigations, internal audit, and business resiliency. Our team has extensive experience in several vital industries, which enables us to assist clients quickly and effectively on a wide range of financial, business, and litigation matters.

By training and experience, our NAFA team is uniquely qualified to apply forensic accounting techniques to a litany of financial events. We let the numbers tell their story, so business leaders and their legal teams can develop appropriate strategies to confront and remedy the challenges that might impede their success.

Related to revealing the truth and enabling business leaders to confront and remedy challenges, North American Forensic Accounting offers internal audit services to help your business meet the demands of SOX testing and can aid in the completion of specialized internal audits. We also have experts skilled in aspects of business resiliency which encompasses such things as crisis management, insider threat management, and physical security all topics which have received scrutiny of late and pose significant challenges to many organizations.

Litigation Support & Financial Investigation Services For a Variety of Circumstances

Internal investigation services for a variety of circumstances

North American Forensic Accounting’s experts have led efforts to uncover vulnerabilities and wrongdoing in organizations for decades, collectively conducting or overseeing over 20,000 investigations. Operating discreetly, we interview personnel and examine business records to pinpoint where problems have occurred and establish the facts. Though we tread lightly, so as not to disrupt your operations or put subjects of the investigation on guard, we are able to produce thorough results, so you can take decisive action to remedy the situation.

Fortifying your legal team

North American Forensic Accounting provides highly professional litigation support services for a variety of civil actions. Our team is comprised of certified experts with decades of experience in forensic accounting. We help attorneys plan and execute their strategies by performing calculations of damages, conducting reliable business valuations, investigating fraud, revealing attempts to hide assets, helping attorneys understand the financial aspects of a case, explaining accounting practices, and much, much more. Our NAFA leaders also appear as expert witnesses, providing clear and confident testimony on the financial aspects of the case.

Bolstering your Internal Audit staff for timely SOX testing and audit plan completion

North American Forensic Accounting has a range of services you can rely on to boost the power of your Internal Audit Department. These include experienced internal audit professionals who you can temporarily plug into your organization to accomplish your internal audit objectives. We are able to provide audit programs, questionnaires, and other tools to make audits more efficient. We can also enhance the skills of your staff with specialized instruction from former Chief Audit Executives on the implementation of best practices. Finally, we can assist with niche internal audits of specific processes such as:

  • Human Resources – Health & Welfare and Defined Contribution Plan Compliance
  • HIPAA compliance
  • Validation of compliance program effectiveness and mapping to the Federal Sentencing Guidelines
  • Ethics program evaluations
  • Hotline testing
  • Crisis management
  • Business continuity
  • Insider threat management
  • Physical security

Few companies can keep full-time experts on staff for niche audits. NAFA serves as a ready resource to tap as needed, so you have ongoing assistance whenever you need it.

NAFA Ethics Compliance Whitepaper

Is “Deviant Workplace Behavior” Eroding Your Company Culture and Causing Preventable Losses?
Michael Breon reveals how your company can overcome seemingly intractable forces to enculturate ethics and protect your bottom line.

Why do problems like sexual harassment and fraud persist despite aggressive efforts to counter them? In his white paper, Building an Ethical Corporate Culture to Mitigate Deviant Behavior and Prevent Fraud, Michael Breon explains why traditional approaches to these problems haven’t worked, and how taking a “people perspective” on these challenges can produce effective results.

The paper’s author, Michael Breon is an experienced CPA who is also a noted authority on fraud prevention. Mr. Breon is Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) and a Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA). North American Forensic Accounting, LLC offers this white paper free as a download for business owners who want to enjoy greater peace of mind and an improved bottom line.

Download “NAFA Ethics Compliance Whitepaper” NAFA-Ethics-Compliance-Whitepaper.pdf – Downloaded 356 times – 419.15 KB

Business Resiliency — Helping you manage uncertainty

In a world full of risk, how prepared is your organization to respond to events such as product recalls, fire, disruption to your supply chain, an active shooter incident, theft of trade secrets or other intellectual property to name a few? North American Forensic Accounting can help you establish or hone your Enterprise Risk Management program and can assist in establishing other more specific programs such as insider threat management, business continuity, crisis management & communication, and physical security. Don’t think you are immune to unfortunate events that hit the news daily, call NAFA and let us help you prepare.

Quality of Earnings Reports – Due diligence for major transactions

If your company is planning a major business transaction, such as a merger or acquisition, NAFA’s experts can help your team perform its due diligence. We closely examine the target business’ records for inaccuracies and misstatements that might indicate bad faith and provide you with a Quality of Earnings Report that explains our results. Clients can also rely on us to perform a business valuation before making an offer. North American Forensic Accounting provides the clear data you need to set the parameters for negotiations, so you can confidently move forward or walk away.


At NAFA, we have decades of industry-specific knowledge relating to accounting practices and business processes in critical sectors, such as:

  • Construction
  • Finance
  • Healthcare
  • Insurance
  • Local government
  • Manufacturing
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • Pharmacy
  • Professional services
  • Restaurants
  • Retail
  • Warehousing and transportation

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