Expert Consultants Deliver Co-Sourced Internal Audit Services

Certified professionals fortify your efforts for improved performance

Everyone needs extra assistance once in a while, including your internal audit department. But rather than adding personnel to respond to the needs of the moment, consider a co-sourcing arrangement with North American Forensic Accounting. We have certified experts at the ready, who can supplement your company’s resources. Co-sourcing is a cost-effective solution that avoids a lengthy commitment. At NAFA, we leave a small footprint, while delivering big results.

Expertise suited to a wide range of internal audit tasks

You might need a skilled auditor to step in while you recruit a permanent replacement. Or you might need to audit an area where your staff is lacking the necessary skills and experience. Whatever your needs, NAFA has the certified and experienced personnel to manage that role smoothly and efficiently. By co-sourcing with NAFA, you can overcome immediate challenges to your resources. The type of assistance we provide includes:

  • Dealing with turnover — Auditors, like any type of employee, might test the green grass in another pasture. Unfortunately, you can’t pick when this might happen, and you could find yourself short-handed during a crucial phase of your audit plan. NAFA can help you operate as usual until your plan’s completion.
  • Sarbanes–Oxley testing — SOX testing presents a range of challenges above and beyond a standard internal audit. Many companies struggle with compliance and need outside help from experienced professionals with specific knowledge of the process. We have years of experience assisting our Fortune 500 clients.
  • Audits outside staff expertise — Occasionally, your Internal Audit department might be tasked with an audit no one has performed before. Niche audits, such as a review of various HR functions, require specific knowledge. Rather than ask your department to learn on the fly, invite an experienced NAFA professional to guide the process. At NAFA, we perform a variety of niche reviews that fall outside the audit mainstream.
  • Special project or management request — Your internal audit department is staffed to accommodate your company’s internal audit plan. When a special need arises, taxing your resources, it makes good sense to contract more auditors temporarily. With NAFA, you get reliable auditors who are ready to hit the ground running.
  • Chief Audit Executive pro tem — Illness, accidents and attrition can leave you without lead personnel at a critical juncture. Rather than let a key vacancy jeopardize your annual audit plan, contract with NAFA. We have proven leaders with CAE skills, who can manage your audit department until you find a permanent solution.
  • Audits from a neutral POV — Some types of audits can present a conflict of interest when conducted by full-time employees. If, for example, you are conducting a compliance audit, you want a disinterested party to manage the process.

In addition to these specific circumstances, a fresh pair of eyes can generally detect issues that may not be obvious to workers who’ve become accustomed to the way an organization operates. To get peak performance from your Internal Audit department, try co-sourcing with the certified experts at NAFA.

NAFA empowers companies to improve efficiency and security

True, you get a great deal of data from your internal audit department, but how much insight are you getting? Your audits should detect inefficiencies in your business, alert you to where controls are lax, detect areas where you are vulnerable to fraud, and identify possible compliance issues. But how can you get from a top level of your operations to a more granular view of daily activity?

Many companies simply don’t have the resources. Many large companies are complacent about their auditing, because they don’t appreciate how much they could gain from the “next level” process. Fortunately, NAFA has solutions for both. By resourcing our highly trained personnel, we can give companies the tools and instruction necessary to sharpen their internal audits to deliver more insightful data and greater control over business processes.

When you partner with NAFA, you get more than a fresh set of eyes, you get knowledgeable professionals, with more than 20 years of experience on average, armed with robust information resources and our own proprietary tools. NAFA pros are also gifted instructors, who are passionate about their trade and enjoy teaching audit personnel how to implement industry best practices. At NAFA, we believe that the human element of the audit process is often overlooked and underutilized. We work to strengthen individual performance to build a culture that strives for success.

Here are a few of the resources we bring to our audit department:

  • Best practices for audits and operations
  • Benchmarking to compare your processes to industry leaders
  • Risk insights covering crucial topics, such as enterprise risk management, crisis management, business continuity, insider threat management, and fraud
  • Sample audit findings that detail vulnerabilities
  • Internal audit programs targeting your needs
  • Internal control questionnaires
  • Sample company policies that address your needs
  • Training in audit and accounting practices

With these tools, NAFA can enhance your audits, so the process delivers greater value to your company. Often, our services quickly pay for themselves by saving your company time and money.

Specialized internal audits are no problem with NAFA’s niche assistance

NAFA draws on a vast library of resources and effective diagnostic tools our certified experts have developed over decades of practice. We provide niche audit assistance in various areas of specialization, which include:

  • Business Continuity
  • Enterprise Risk Management
  • Insider threat management
  • Crisis management
  • Human Resources – health and welfare and retirement plans
  • Product diversion, infringement, and counterfeits
  • Production, reporting, and costing
  • Compliance program effectiveness – mapping to the Federal Sentencing Guidelines
  • Marketing
  • Trade promotions
  • Procurement
  • Anti-fraud programs and controls
  • Ethics and corporate culture

Our team can perform these audits, but it’s generally more beneficial for an organization to have our audit experts train its staff. What they learn not only benefits the company for this audit, but carries over into other projects, so the audit department consistently operates on a higher level.

Contact North American Forensic Accounting to boost the power of your internal audit plan

North American Forensic Accounting helps companies glean greater insights from their internal audits, leading to greater control over processes, better decision making, and enhanced efficiency. To learn more, call us at 347-286-4860 or contact one of our offices online to schedule an appointment. NAFA serves clients from offices throughout the United States, including in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, New York City, Atlanta, Charlotte, Miami, and the Tampa Bay Area.